Tips to buy clothes for a newborn

The readers of tips to buy clothes for a newborn, For they may seem nice clothes for babies, when we compare mainly as your comfort, practicality and convenience when dressing the baby.

No need for designer clothes and brands, The sophisticated and elegant clothes for babies are precious and you will surely love the idea of buying them, but the reality is that the baby during the first year grow, very quickly, and all those clothes will outgrow in a heartbeat almost without giving much use, having made a waste. You may save the idea of ​​buying designer clothes and big brands for when your baby is older and can get more out.

Tips to buy clothes for a newborn
Images: Marc Debnam/getty images
We must keep in mind that the closer we get to the date of delivery, the clothes must be complete and organized and never forget the basic elements that are needed in the short mind of a newborn costumes, their first weeks of life.

Tips for Buying Baby Clothes
  • The fabrics are soft and easy to iron, preferably 100 % cotton.
  • Brooches incorporating automatic, non-plastic, as they may melt when ironed. It is advisable that the shirts with snaps at the neck and the pants with the crotch, it's much easier to change their diapers.
  • Avoid waist with zip and buttons on garments of infants. Is Preferable waists with elastic fabric that fit better and we are sure you do not tighten.
  • Assure that our baby has clothes to match what we will buy.
  • Prefer pants, rompers and pajamas with feet included.
  • Preferring the bodies to t-shirts, especially in winter .
  • Choose shoes that are warm ( in winter), comfortable and cuddly. Avoid laces.
  • Socks should be neither small nor great as can hurt the foot. In winter, knee-length buy and hold babies that are raised and pants legs are bare.
Note the size of the clothes, as children grow rapidly in this period, and fails to use all that a purchase, unless your child is born premature, newborn size will be small. Also not mind carrying something baggy clothes the first few days. It will remain the center of attention of all eyes.

How to caring for baby's feeding bottle

The feeding bottle is one of the most difficult habits to take the baby, and requires a great deal of persuasion and patience by parents. It has been debated for years whether babies should use it or not , but it is a habit that is more ingrained in some societies.

How to caring for baby's feeding bottle
Images: OJO Images/ getty images
How to caring for baby's feeding bottle:
  • Never use a feeding bottle smearing sweet solutions and will avoid cavities.
  • No need to put the feeding bottle back if it falls during sleep.
  • Keep it clean and change it regularly .
  • For safety it is desirable that the pacifier this child tied with chains , belts, or fastened with pins, because it can cause discomfort or hurt .
  • It is advisable to restrict usage during the time that the child goes to sleep.
  • Once you leave definitely need to throw it , not save it or give it away toilet .
  • Avoid using if your child has otitis packages.
  • It is not recommended to share baby feeding bottle with other children.
  • The feeding bottle should be rinsed thoroughly whenever the baby drop it.
  • Sterilize at least once a day since the baby will begin using
  • It is recommended to have a spare feeding bottle at all times.
When cleaning each well must be reviewed to see that the nipple is attached to the handle and has no damage. If it shows signs of wear , change the other immediately because the nipple may jeopardize the baby.

It is recommended that your child no longer among 2 and 3 years , and its use should be declining over time, as you start to move and wander , because these activities keep them distracted, and make them forget about sucking constantly. By contrast , sedentary children tend to use it for longer periods than the rest.

I hope these tips will be of assistance when you take away the pacifier to your baby if it gets tricky remember that you can always turn to your pediatrician to for professional advice that will surely serve to finish away the pacifier to your child.

What we need for baby bath?

The baby bath is a great opportunity for your child to convey feelings of well being. Being immersed in warm water relaxes and pleases the baby and this must be done every day the same time, such as before going to bed to enjoy a good night sleep. You should take this time to establish a special contact with him, that will strengthen your bond.

What we need for baby bath?
Images: Andy Chang's Imag/ getty images
What we need for baby bath?
It is important to have everything ready, with good organization you will feel more secure. To do this, nothing better than gathering and you have everything you need: soap and baby shampoo, cotton towels, comb or brush, clean clothes, diapers, a bath thermometer, and a sponge.

Tips for Baby Bath
  • Make sure the ambient temperature is warm bathroom and ranges among 23 and 25 ยบ C.
  • Never be left baby alone in the bath.
  • Always wash the tub before and after use.
  • You must essure that the water temperature is adequate, because babies may get cold quickly.
  • With or without sponge, washed, rinsed, and dried upside down. First the chest, arms, hands and then, legs and feet.
  • Turn baby carefully to wash his back and buttocks.
  • Dry it well, and wrap for warmth.
  • Once totally clean and well rinsed, gently lifted the baby and wrap it up in a towel.
  • It is important to dry all the folds of the baby's skin, especially those found under the chin, behind the ears and the diaper area.
  • It is advisable not to use powders or colonies, especially the first few months.
  • It is important not to smile and talk during the time that.
  • The height of the bath must be appropriate to the stature of the person who is bathing the baby, to not suffer back.
Soaps, shampoo and liquid may dry your baby's skin and may cause irritation, it is best used in moderation. They can also cause irritation of the urethra, that can cause urinary tract infections. So to prevent your baby is sitting too long in water full of potentially irritating soap.

We hope these tips will be of assistance and that the baby's bath time, can become a pleasant time for both.

Breast milk helps the babys immune system

Many experts agree that the best thing you can feed the baby during the first months of life is breast milk. This training helps the baby's immune system, contains all the nutrients you need and is very unlikely to develop intolerance, as could happen with the formula.

Breast milk helps the babys immune system
Image: cbarnesphotography /getty images
The early days of breastfeeding

For your baby adjust to the process of breastfeeding should charge at the position usually, attach the nipple near the open mouth until enough and then enter the nipple.

You know the baby is drinking properly when her lips are completely on the breast and sucking is almost soundless. You can also breastfeed leaning sideways on the bed beside lying. If you feel discomfort, you can help with pillows, making sure that the baby will be easy access to the nipple.

Benefits of breast milk for the baby
  • It is so good that the baby does not need anything else. No water, no juice, etc..
  • breast milk has all the vitamins, fats and proteins needed by the baby in exact amount.
  • The baby is healthier and has more defenses, prevents diarrhea.
  • Breast milk is the vaccine for all infectious diseases.
  • It digests well and the baby is not constipated.
  • This at the right temperature and not spoil.
  • Breastfed babies have less constipation.
  • The breastfed babies have fewer cavities and dental deformities.
  • Protects from sudden infant death.
  • Protects future disease such as asthma, allergy, obesity, diabetes, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, arteriosclerosis and myocardial infarction.
  • Protect the child from infections (bronchitis, gastroenteritis, otitis, meningitis) because breast milk is rich in immunoglobulins (defenses that the mother passes to the baby).
When you resume your workday or is absent for a few hours, you can extract milk with a breast pump and store it. Sometimes you may not achieve the output of milk in the first attempts with the extractor. Therefore, it is advisable to begin pumping practice a little before his absence, to get used to the process.

The extract milk can be stored in the refrigerator, will stay good for 3 to 8 days. Usually, the process of feeding occurs naturally. Although early can sometimes cost a little baby instinct make things easier. If in doubt, it's best to consult your pediatrician.

How do the children sleep better

Newborn babies usually only cry when they are hungry or need a diaper change them, at first the child does not know how to distinguish between day and night, as his tiny stomach only allows you to be satisfied, just for 3 hours, so there is no choice but to feed when requested periodically along the clock in their first weeks of life.
How do the children sleep better
Image: Alexandra Jursova/ getty images
How do the children sleep better
Anyway even at this young age can teach your child that night is for sleeping and day to play, it should try that night outlets must be as unnoticed possible: do not turn on the light, or extend too diapering. Rather than tinker with your child, return to bed as soon as I have fed and changed.

You must keep a consistent schedule to go to sleep and wake up every day, seven days a week. The biological clock of your son has a great influence on their awakenings and drowsiness. When you set a specific time to go to sleep and to wake rope is like if you gave that watch to run correctly. Try putting it to sleep early. Children respond better when they go to bed early, and most sleep better and longer.

Develop a consistent routine and peaceful, as this creates feelings of safety in children. In addition, an organized routine helps you coordinate the situations that must occur before going to bed: bath, pajamas, tooth brushing, etc..

Create a pleasant environment will help your child sleep better, you should make sure that the ambient temperature is correct, and that the room is cozy.

If you sleep more than three or four hours, especially when this very late afternoon you wake and play around with it, so you have more accumulated sleep, and sleep better at night. Never hesitate to consult your pediatrician about the best way to start learning how to raise your child. Parenting is a task that is learned with our little beautiful experiences that give us every day.
The food distribution in children's diets

The food distribution in children's diets

Feeding the child requires an adequate supply to meet its energy needs and growth. From the three years it began a period of great activity, not only because of the physical, but also a whole brain development and learning.

The preschool began a period of steady growth until puberty that requires special attention, because their energy expenditure is higher than the adult, as are losses of water and heat through the skin.

The childhood diet

Dietary energy intake in children

For a child of four years is recommended average energy intake of 90 kcal per kilogram per day, which will be reduced down to about 60 kcal per kilogram per day for a child of twelve.
It will take a minimum fluid intake of 100 ml per kilogram per day from four years to reduce gradually to 10 ml per kilogram per day for twelve years.
Feeding should be split at least four meals a day.

The food distribution in children's diets.

Between 50 and 60% corresponding to carbohydrate present in rice, pasta, flour, cereals, honey, cookies, etc ...
Between 25 and 35% of lipids present in vegetable oils, fatty fish, soya milk, etc..
Between 10 and 15% of both plant proteins (cereals and legumes), and animal (meat, fish, poultry, eggs and dairy products).

Milk is a good source of protein. In a normal body, is advised to drink half a liter a day.

Fats supply energy and essential fatty acids and vitamins essential for growth hiposolubles.
The importance of stem cells

The importance of stem cells

Today, the parents of a newborn have a new medical option available to prevent and treat child future disease, storage of cord blood stem cells.

Because Stem Cells

The cells are stored in the umbilical cord at birth are similar to those in the bone marrow of the child, so that can mean a future treatment of diseases such as leukemia, lymphoma, any infectious or hematological disease.

Recently there have been cases of babies with serious diseases like leukemia and cerebral palsy who have experienced improvements after being treated with stem cells, demonstrating the importance of gathering them at birth.

Once that is collected cord blood is what makes it faster to get to the lab, and should not spend more than 48 hours, since it begins to lose the quality of the stem cells, once you get to it, is separated , no good blood, stem cells, red blood cells, white, plasma etc. Cells are concentrated and then passed from freezing to 200 degrees Celsius in liquid nitrogen in tanks that have a high degree of biosafety and for these valuable cells are available, could be used along the entire life of our son remaining intact.

It is advisable to discuss with your doctor the option of storing stem cells at birth. This will indicate the procedure and health providers that offer this service in your local storage.

Likewise, if you practice any religion, you should seek advice from a counselor, as some religions are against the use of stem cells.

It is important to let parents know that the blood that is there is extremely valuable, for the rest of your child's life, and therefore emphasizes that properly known stem cell issue, with all the importance it has.

Some tips to treat mastitis

Mastitis is a breast infection caused by bacteria, causing inflammation, itching and pain, usually on one breast or a portion thereof, can cause fever and malaise. If you notice you have these symptoms tell your doctor so that the sooner you start treatment with antibiotics.

Some tips to treat mastitis
Image: STEVE GSCHMEISSNER/ getty images
Some tips to treat mastitis
Do not forget to remind here that is going to continue breastfeeding child to prescribe medication that does not affect breastfeeding, and do not stop taking the medication even if you feel better, do not stop breast feeding your child, and that this would only get worse mastitis and increase the pain it causes him.

Mastitis can be a sign that your defenses are down, rest in bed, asleep, refueling, also drain the sinuses to prevent spreading the infection to go in terms of feeding your child may be quiet, because mastitis will not affect the milk and therefore there is no reason to stop breastfeeding.

Mastitis will not do any harm to your baby, but can reduce the amount of milk produced in the affected breast. Remember that germs that caused the infection probably came from the mouth of your baby, so do not need to worry that you go for damage.

Should be very painful to the infected breast feeding, it is best to let the milk flow over a diaper or absorbent cloth while nursing on the other breast, and when the child has to eat the infected breast not hurt as much .

Some experts recommend that you position the baby with her chin to the affected area of ​​the breast, to facilitate pumping.

If the baby does not get empty the inflamed breast at each feeding, you empty it ends with a breast pump. And if you can tolerate the pain to breast milk extraerte test and give your baby a bottle. But do it as little as possible and only to relieve the infection.

When in doubt contact your specialist.

Tips for dyeing your hair during pregnancy

In any case, there seems no real reasons for these concerns. No evidence that modern dyes affect the baby , although some doctors do recommend caution for the first three months.

Christina Chambers Teratogen Information Service in California says there is no evidence that the bleach applied in hair depilatories or increase the risk of birth defects, although the matter has not been investigated deeply.
Tips for dyeing your hair during pregnancy

However, there are very few chances that the chemicals to enter the bloodstream and reaches the baby well. She says that you can reduce the risk by putting cold water on the skin first, to keep pores small, do it in a very good ventilated and limit the time that these products touch the skin.

Other beauty professionals say there is no danger from that used professional and quality products. They also say that the only problem you can have to dye your hair during pregnancy , is that the colors may not have the expected result.
And if you're still worried well or your doctor has recommended that you do not dye your hair during pregnancy.

If you decide not to change you hair color with the regularity that you did before. something that if you should avoid during pregnancy are permanent and chemical relaxers, and that there is fear among doctors about possible implications for the baby. That group includes treatments such as Brazilian straightening or keratin. As always we recommend you consult your physician with any questions.

The signs of pregnancy

Could you be pregnant? you know the signs of pregnancy? Chances are we don't start to notice symptoms when we have a late period or full stop. If we don't take account of our menstrual cycle or irregular month by month, we might not realize that. But if we start to experience the symptoms I write below, although not all women suffer, the best to do is a test to be sure.

The signs of pregnancy

Common symptoms of pregnancy
Tender, swollen breasts : One of the earliest symptoms of pregnancy and happens by increased hormone levels. Sensitivity can feel like an exaggerated version of the way they feel before period. But the trouble can be reduced after the first trimester, when the body has become accustomed to the hormonal changes.

Fatigue : If we suddenly feel very tired and even exhausted. No one knows for sure the cause of pregnancy fatigue, but possibly due to the rapid increase of the hormone progesterone that occurs. After the second half, fatigue should decrease, but ending the pregnancy weight and discomfort we will remove with several hours of sleep.

Implantation bleeding : Some women have a little bleeding between about 11 and 12 days after conception. This is very light and lasts only about two days. However, if the bleeding is accompanied by pain, it is best to consult a doctor to prevent ectopic pregnancies.

Nausea or vomiting : Most women do not have these ailments until a month after conception, however some will arrive earlier. Fortunately, more than half of women feel completely fine to start the second quarter, although some are less lucky ones and it lasts a little longer.

Increased sensitivity with odors : Just getting started pregnancy is very common that frequently smells like a sandwich or coffee trigger the urge to vomit, although nobody knows for sure, it could be an effect of the rapid increase estrogen levels in body. sometime discover that one of our favorite foods will suddenly seem disgusting.

Bloating : Hormonal changes during early pregnancy can make us feel bloated, similar to what some women feel before they meet that period. That's why our clothes may feel tighter around the waist, even if the uterus is still small.

Constant urination : Shortly after our become pregnant, we may feel the need to go to the bathroom all the time. This is because the when pregnancy, blood and other body fluids increases, leading to the kidneys have to process a larger amount of liquid and ends up in the bladder. This symptom can start from six months pregnant and continue or even get worse as the baby grows and takes up some space that belongs to the bladder.

Lack of a period : If your period usually comes regularly, we're probably taking a pregnancy test before we start noticing symptoms. But if we don't take account of our period, or are irregular, we may begin to feel some discomfort before realize we did not get our period.

Not all symptoms are present same to all women, we should prepare ourselves in the period before pregnancy occurs, and do not forget to consult a gynecologist.

Sugar water to reduce the pain of vaccines

One of the concerns and the most difficult moments of the parents with their babies is when vaccines because after are restless and sore. Some time ago the pediatricians advised to give a little sugar water to help the process of medicines in the body of the child, but now sugar water is found study could also help with the pain left by vaccines.

Sugar water to reduce the pain of vaccines

Calming children after vaccines
With this simple solution of sugar water pediatricians also expect to end the fears of parents and increase immunization rates for children. "We hope this will encourage parents to immunize their children," says one of the authors the study, Linda Hatfield School of Nursing Pennsylvania State University, USA. "It's very simple, not expensive, and babies leave the clinics in the same condition in which they arrived"

This new discovery will certainly help many mothers who worry too much about the pain for babies. In addition is a new form that binds with strategies designed to avoid the stress that causes sore vaccines in both children and parents, and between thin needles include topical analgesics.

The babies and older children can receive up to 24 injections in their first two years of life. And sometimes we may even get 5 in one visit, so that mothers are anxious to see their children suffer. The sugar water should be given after 5, 7 and 9 minutes after receiving the vaccine and nine minutes, more than 78 percent of children surveyed had only a little pain.