When a child is ready to start the reading

Reading is a practice that does not so much to do children, but it is essential and rewarding, so parents must become aware of it, and the clearest indication we have that our children are ready to learn to read is when perfectly distinguish the letters and images.

Very important to observe the whole process of learning and maturing, and motivate them to this incredible task enthusiasm read, although there is no magic bullets to be faster read for child.

When a child is ready to start the reading

Ready to start reading when you have a good speaking, and a large enough vocabulary for his age, recognized correctly pronounce sounds and words as well as recognize and understand the story sequences that we are going out even when we read and remember later.

In his body language is able to recognize sounds alerts, you can go through mazes play by routes other hand notice that has a firm stroke as you draw all your body parts, and uses straight lines, circles, curves, spirals, and recognizes its written name and single words that are easy.

Also you can read stories from sequences of images and we will demonstrate a strong interest in knowing that reads any text whether in magazines, books, posters, advertisements, or the covers of a story.

The importance artistic activities in the nursery room

The initial cycle school is based on areas of expertise and learning for children, so the visual arts are extremely important to communicate and convey their emotions and learn.

It is a means of expression, which together with the art of music are part of the artistic language and training of child development in early stages. The objectives of the arts at this age are varied.

Mainly looking for that small learn to handle different materials and learn new skills with their hands, using your imagination. Through drawing, painting and modeling mass, learn to develop a sense of aesthetics and forms within the space, using the same reflect what's inside and outside show exposing with peers.

The importance artistic activities in the nursery room

Beyond the learning itself, the visual arts to encourage small, since at this age love to admire their work and also enjoy by realizing them, tasting of being surrounded, papers, paints, colors, modeling clay, brushes, and everything that makes this exciting method of teaching.

Through him channel his emotions in his work and show us everything that surrounds them as their point of view, so it is very common to see small stage just starting school, enjoy, both at school and at home of everything that allows them to express themselves through the arts.

Games encourage logical thinking for children

Games encourage logical thinking for children,- Logical thinking is a mental process which used a rationale consistent with the objective of reaching a conclusion. This activity can be learned by children even before they begin formal schooling.

This type of sequential processes of critical thinking can be stimulated through different games and help integrate small tools for problem solving and intellectual growth.

In this sense, it is important to encourage games, especially board to collaborate to develop pattern recognition and mental ability to see the order in a chaotic environment.

Games encourage logical thinking for children

It also collaborates with the definition of deductive reasoning as a way to sort the general concepts of something specific on the basis of cause and effect.

Memory games for preschool children help with simple deductive reasoning skills. The child must remember the location of the corresponding image while discarding other cards where the desired image does not exist.

The naval battle is another classic strategic game that uses deductive reasoning to find opponents ships. The mental abilities of logical thinking culminate developing strategic thinking for the evolution of the situation.

Dominoes is a good strategy game for preschoolers and older that promotes relational reasoning.

After children master these games, to the ten or eleven, you can begin to introduce them into the world of chess, a game that will escalate more complex levels according to their stages of neurological development.

However, it is important to always accompany children in their learning stages, stimulating their capabilities, and catering to their interests and tastes.