Tips of breastfeeding frequency

Breastfeeding should be done as soon as possible after delivery. More good news is doing the Early Initiation of Breastfeeding baby feeds directly to the mother shortly after birth. Without cleaned or weighed first. Infants and mothers with breastfeeding in the first hours after birth had greater success than those who delay.

Tips of breastfeeding frequency

Newborns should be fed every 2-3 hours until the baby is satisfied. Breastfeeding for at least 5 minutes on each breast on the first day after birth and increasing frequency every day so as to increase milk production optimum.

When feeding 20 minutes on each breast it's enough for a baby. No need to limit the time of feeding. Frequency of feeding can often increase milk production, preventing breast pain and breast milk because of the buildup and clumping, and minimize the chances of jaundice.

The normal amount of milk produced by the end of the first week after delivery was 550 ml per day. Within 2-3 weeks, milk production increased to 800 ml per day. Total milk production could reach 1.5 to 2 L per day. Total production of milk depending on how much the baby feeds. The more often the baby feeds, the more the hormone prolactin is released, and the more milk production.

Tips to Increase Volume of milk

Breastfeeding mothers need a balanced intake of nutritious food, ample portions and a regular diet. Basically, all foods should be eaten by breast-feeding mothers. The main thing was the food was clean and free from harmful chemicals (such as colorings, flavorings and artificial sweeteners are harmful). Additionally There are some foods that can be used to increase the volume of milk.

Tips to Increase Volume of milk

1. Fresh cow's milk
Fresh cow's milk yield is the best pure cow milk powder rather than packaging. To obtain a hygienic milk, we have to cook it to boil first 2 times. How is it after cooking to boil and then turn off the stove and wait a minute, turn it back on the stove and cook again until boiling again. If difficult to obtain pure fresh milk from the farm it can be obtained easily in supermarkets in the form of liquid milk packaging with diverse brands.

2. Meat and eggs
all meat is very good to raise the volume of breast milk. Especially the beef. High protein content of animal protein in particular greatly increase the volume of milk. I think a vegetarian diet while breastfeeding less precise.

3. green beans
All nuts contain high vegetable protein and is very good at feeding by breast-feeding mothers. Legume family that is often used is that including the nuts hijau. green beans has a lot of benefits in everyday life as a source of vegetable high protein. Processing is usually done by making green bean porridge or squeezed juice.