How to Correct Breastfeed

There are a variety of positions for breastfeeding, but best position is where the baby's head and body are in a straight line, so that the baby can breastfeed comfortably. Besides the mother's position must be comfortable. Using tools such as pillows can be done.

How to Correct Breastfeed

Breastfeeding is the correct way:
  • Look for a relaxed seating position and comfortable (Can be in the chair / sofa / bed). Try propping your back, shoulders, and neck. Also as much as possible the baby can move his head with ease
  • Place the baby with her ​​nose position equivalent to the nipple so that the baby will stick perfectly
  • Wait until the baby's mouth opens wide with the tongue under, the mother can make a baby in a position to stimulate the baby's lower lip with a finger mom
  • Your baby will be closer to the forehead head on the first breast.
  • The baby will open its mouth wide to cover nipples and dark circle around the nipple, nipple should be at baby's mouth palate
  • To stimulate the baby comes off the mouth of the nipple, with soft place your finger on corner of the baby's mouth and the baby will automatically open his mouth. Do not pull forcibly because it will cause sores on the nipple
  • When starting to feel exhausted, switch to the other breast, off slowly, the baby rotate and repeat the above steps.

Tips of breastfeeding frequency

Breastfeeding should be done as soon as possible after delivery. More good news is doing the Early Initiation of Breastfeeding baby feeds directly to the mother shortly after birth. Without cleaned or weighed first. Infants and mothers with breastfeeding in the first hours after birth had greater success than those who delay.

Tips of breastfeeding frequency

Newborns should be fed every 2-3 hours until the baby is satisfied. Breastfeeding for at least 5 minutes on each breast on the first day after birth and increasing frequency every day so as to increase milk production optimum.

When feeding 20 minutes on each breast it's enough for a baby. No need to limit the time of feeding. Frequency of feeding can often increase milk production, preventing breast pain and breast milk because of the buildup and clumping, and minimize the chances of jaundice.

The normal amount of milk produced by the end of the first week after delivery was 550 ml per day. Within 2-3 weeks, milk production increased to 800 ml per day. Total milk production could reach 1.5 to 2 L per day. Total production of milk depending on how much the baby feeds. The more often the baby feeds, the more the hormone prolactin is released, and the more milk production.

Tips to Increase Volume of milk

Breastfeeding mothers need a balanced intake of nutritious food, ample portions and a regular diet. Basically, all foods should be eaten by breast-feeding mothers. The main thing was the food was clean and free from harmful chemicals (such as colorings, flavorings and artificial sweeteners are harmful). Additionally There are some foods that can be used to increase the volume of milk.

Tips to Increase Volume of milk

1. Fresh cow's milk
Fresh cow's milk yield is the best pure cow milk powder rather than packaging. To obtain a hygienic milk, we have to cook it to boil first 2 times. How is it after cooking to boil and then turn off the stove and wait a minute, turn it back on the stove and cook again until boiling again. If difficult to obtain pure fresh milk from the farm it can be obtained easily in supermarkets in the form of liquid milk packaging with diverse brands.

2. Meat and eggs
all meat is very good to raise the volume of breast milk. Especially the beef. High protein content of animal protein in particular greatly increase the volume of milk. I think a vegetarian diet while breastfeeding less precise.

3. green beans
All nuts contain high vegetable protein and is very good at feeding by breast-feeding mothers. Legume family that is often used is that including the nuts hijau. green beans has a lot of benefits in everyday life as a source of vegetable high protein. Processing is usually done by making green bean porridge or squeezed juice.

Breastfeeding should be done shortly after birth

Breastfeeding should be done shortly after birth. Early Initiation of Breastfeeding shortly after birth before the baby was cleaned, weighed and measured at the best must be implemented. Breast milk should be given to the baby as often as possible so that milk production more smoothly. Do not worry about milk that comes out still slightly as it adjusts the size of the baby's needs are still as big as marbles stomach.

Breastfeeding should be done shortly after birth

Breast milk is the main food source for infants from birth to age 6 months. Because all of its nutrient content can be sufficient. From the age of 6 months babies begin to be introduced to complementary feeding. With increasing age these foods are increasingly rugged and varied.

Prompts for duration of exclusive breastfeeding during the first 6 months is a means children were given just breast milk only. Having breastfed exclusively for 6 months, continue breastfeeding up to 2 years.

The reason is that many diseases that strike children under 2 years old, ranging from mild to severe and even can lead to disability. Remember, because in the process of breastfeeding than nutrition (white blood cells) is capital flow into the child's body. Another reason is the formation of a stronger bond between mother and child.

Shape the character of the child while breastfeeding

Breastfeeding for a mother is a very valuable opportunity. It is a lesson and an amazing experience. Breastfeeding can be shaping the character of the child while breastfeeding and this is positive growth capital character of a mother.

Shape the character of the child while breastfeeding

Teach a mother to be patient, caring, discipline and attention. Everything is the main capital from mother who gives a good example for their children. While the children are learning to adjust to the rule and what her Mom want.

Children had to wait until Mother's Milk is full again. Learning that her mother is a person who truly loves him with all my heart and sincerely. Children will also be aware of the mother who held her and to protect and will drain the milk that is rightfully his.

Breastfeeding experience is a valuable lesson that a positive growth of main capital formation and character of the mother and child. Do not waste this opportunity.

Benefits of Breastfeeding to Mother and Baby

Breastfeeding is a natural process of a mother giving food in the form of breast milk to the baby. Breast milk is the best choice for our baby. No other product can equal let alone outperform the Breast milk. Choosing breastfeeding a lot of benefits. The benefit is especially useful for baby's and mother. So breastfeeding is not just giving milk to the baby.

Benefits of Breastfeeding to Mother and Baby

Benefits for Babies:
  1. Complete nutrition for baby. Breast milk contains protein, minerals, water, fat, and lactose, milk and etc. The protein content changing every day are in accordance with the needs and growth of children.
  2. Provides all required nutrients and energy during the first 1 month, half or more nutrients during the second 6 months in the first year, and 1/3 or more nutrients during the second year.
  3. Breast milk also provides protection and faster recovery from infection. Immunoglobulin A present in large quantities in colostrum giving the baby a passive immunity against infection. There bifidus factor in breast milk that causes the growth of Lactobacillus bifidus bacteria that can degrade collection pathogenic (cause disease in humans) causing diarrhea.
  4. Based on research, breastfeeding can reduce the number of lower respiratory tract infections, otitis media (middle ear infection), bacterial meningitis (inflammation the lining of brain), urinary tract infections, diarrhea, and necrotizing enterocolitis.
  5. Breast milk will not cause allergies because it fits the nature of nature that every living creature feeding (mammals) will drink milk from its mother immediately. The protein in breast milk is a protein specific to humans, then a longer introduction to a foreign protein or other proteins contained in milk formula, can reduce and slow down the occurrence of allergies.
Benefits of Breastfeeding for Mom:
  1. The hormone oxytocin is released during breastfeeding which causes an increase in uterine contractions, prevents involution of the uterus, and reducing the incidence of bleeding after childbirth.
  2. Women who breastfeed, reducing the incidence of ovarian cancer and breast cancer after menopause according to the length of time she was breastfeeding.
  3. Women who are breastfeeding can reduce the incidence of osteoporosis and hip fracture after menopause, and lower incidence of obesity due to pregnancy.
  4. Breastfeeding can create body contact and bonding between mother and baby and
  5. can reduce costs compared to the use of formula milk.
So, the benefits and advantages of breastfeeding of course impossible to ignore. So Cheer up for expectant mothers and nursing mothers. Give the best for our sons and daughters and mothers get benefits for himself and family.

Keeping Healthy Eating at Initiation Time

Shortly after giving birth to a lot of women who directly implement the diet to slim the body back. Yet when breastfeeding is needed nutrients that are good because of what we eat is divided on the baby. A diet high in protein and good nutrition is absolutely necessary.

Keeping Healthy Eating at Initiation Time

Consumption of milk, meat and eggs are good for increasing the volume of milk. Vegetables and fruits will help digestion our baby through the milk they drink. Spicy foods that are best avoided. Because whatever Mother meal will surely flow into breast milk. So, don't forget to always eat meals are healthy and muach nutritious shortly after birth had even better than when pregnant.

If one day we ate less eat meat / protein will decrease the volume of milk. Likewise, when a day that we do not eat regularly or eating less then, our milk will be reduced. Dining with a sufficient portion, a balanced diet and regular diet is mandatory for nursing mothers. Whatever may be eaten as long as healthy and clean. Stay away from foods that contain harmful chemicals such as dyes, artificial sweeteners and flavorings.

Women who breastfeed needs 500-1000 everyday calories than women who do not breastfeed. Lactating women are prone to deficiencies of magnesium, vitamin B6, folate, calcium, and zinc. ASI does not have enough iron supply for premature babies or babies over 6 months old. Because of that iron supplementation should be given to nursing mothers with premature babies. Inadequate nutrition and stress can decrease the amount of milk production.

first when the baby is born

Childbirth is the privileges for a mother. This moment is first encounter with baby and mother after 9 months. Happy moments can be started with very well by experience Early Initiation of Breastfeeding an the first time. Whenever possible invite to the birth attendants so soon after the child is born to soon put on the chest.

first when the baby is born

Hearing the mother's heart rhythm, smell and recognize his mother's voice and movements. This event evokes a sense of security and comfort in children.

This concern gave him the confidence and attention. At once he was going a little shake of the head, hand and leg menghentakan naturally to seek nipple. The baby will suck the milk and move with first time. The first milk is very good for children and contains antibodies that are very high. The first few seconds are very important in establishing the relationship of mother and child. Do not miss this golden opportunity that can not be achieved again.

6 super food are good for pregnant women

During pregnancy, expectant mothers should really pay attention to the intake of nutrients consumed so that the baby grow healthy and optimal. There are some super foods with good nutrition for expectant mothers.

6 super food are good for pregnant women

6 super food are good for pregnant women:

1. Yogurt.
Yogurt is a super food, because of low fat and rich in calcium and vitamin D. A pregnant woman needs about 1000 mh calcium per day, which should be completed in the diet. The baby needs calcium for healthy bone development.

2. Red beans and broccoli.
Green vegetables are the healthiest foods for children. Red beans are not only rich in fiber but also iron. It is very important for the development of red blood cells in infants.

Broccoli on the other hand contains a lot of water and vitamin B which helps maintain and build new cells. If both are not adequate to cause birth defects in children.

3. Chicken breast and egg.
Chicken breast and eggs are the most ideal food for growing super babies and expectant mothers because many contain protein, which is required to maintain muscle tissue and to the growing baby. In addition, eggs are rich in vitamin D are important for maintaining a healthy metabolism and absorption of nutrients.

4. Oat.
Oats is one of the healthy food because it is a complex carbohydrate that will make you feel full. These foods are also rich in soluble fiber which can wash out all the toxins from the body. Add foods such as tofu, soy nuts or walnuts are a source of omega-3 fatty acids.

5. Olive oil.
Fat is an important building block for hormones. Olive oil is rich in unsaturated fat and vitamin E. Add to salads or other preparations to add a good amount of fat to your diet.

6. Skim milk.
Other types of super foods are rich in protein is skim milk. Milk also have a lot of calcium and vitamin B12, all of which are really needed a pregnant woman.

When a child is ready to start the reading

Reading is a practice that does not so much to do children, but it is essential and rewarding, so parents must become aware of it, and the clearest indication we have that our children are ready to learn to read is when perfectly distinguish the letters and images.

Very important to observe the whole process of learning and maturing, and motivate them to this incredible task enthusiasm read, although there is no magic bullets to be faster read for child.

When a child is ready to start the reading

Ready to start reading when you have a good speaking, and a large enough vocabulary for his age, recognized correctly pronounce sounds and words as well as recognize and understand the story sequences that we are going out even when we read and remember later.

In his body language is able to recognize sounds alerts, you can go through mazes play by routes other hand notice that has a firm stroke as you draw all your body parts, and uses straight lines, circles, curves, spirals, and recognizes its written name and single words that are easy.

Also you can read stories from sequences of images and we will demonstrate a strong interest in knowing that reads any text whether in magazines, books, posters, advertisements, or the covers of a story.

The importance artistic activities in the nursery room

The initial cycle school is based on areas of expertise and learning for children, so the visual arts are extremely important to communicate and convey their emotions and learn.

It is a means of expression, which together with the art of music are part of the artistic language and training of child development in early stages. The objectives of the arts at this age are varied.

Mainly looking for that small learn to handle different materials and learn new skills with their hands, using your imagination. Through drawing, painting and modeling mass, learn to develop a sense of aesthetics and forms within the space, using the same reflect what's inside and outside show exposing with peers.

The importance artistic activities in the nursery room

Beyond the learning itself, the visual arts to encourage small, since at this age love to admire their work and also enjoy by realizing them, tasting of being surrounded, papers, paints, colors, modeling clay, brushes, and everything that makes this exciting method of teaching.

Through him channel his emotions in his work and show us everything that surrounds them as their point of view, so it is very common to see small stage just starting school, enjoy, both at school and at home of everything that allows them to express themselves through the arts.

Games encourage logical thinking for children

Games encourage logical thinking for children,- Logical thinking is a mental process which used a rationale consistent with the objective of reaching a conclusion. This activity can be learned by children even before they begin formal schooling.

This type of sequential processes of critical thinking can be stimulated through different games and help integrate small tools for problem solving and intellectual growth.

In this sense, it is important to encourage games, especially board to collaborate to develop pattern recognition and mental ability to see the order in a chaotic environment.

Games encourage logical thinking for children

It also collaborates with the definition of deductive reasoning as a way to sort the general concepts of something specific on the basis of cause and effect.

Memory games for preschool children help with simple deductive reasoning skills. The child must remember the location of the corresponding image while discarding other cards where the desired image does not exist.

The naval battle is another classic strategic game that uses deductive reasoning to find opponents ships. The mental abilities of logical thinking culminate developing strategic thinking for the evolution of the situation.

Dominoes is a good strategy game for preschoolers and older that promotes relational reasoning.

After children master these games, to the ten or eleven, you can begin to introduce them into the world of chess, a game that will escalate more complex levels according to their stages of neurological development.

However, it is important to always accompany children in their learning stages, stimulating their capabilities, and catering to their interests and tastes.